Monthly Archives: March 2022

Episode 26 – How Many Threads Connect Us from the Original Idea to the Time the Work Gets to the Reader – Jenny Rossberg Pegasus Books

How many threads connect us from the original idea to the time the work gets to the reader?  Larry pulls back the curtain of publishing with Jenny Rossberg, Senior Publicist at Pegasus Books.  Jenny and Larry broach subjects of crime fiction (and how you can learn about a town from those works), what a Novella is and why they can be as entertaining as a full novel, and the difference between commercial versus literary fiction.  Jenny also discloses the types of works she reads when she is not at work, and what the draw was for her to enter the publishing world.  Larry posits the question “how does an idea for a book develop to the point where the work is on the shelf in a bookstore” and what the “life” of a book looks like.

Jenny also speaks about authors S.J. Rozan, Paul Vitich, Heather Martin and Jennifer Murphy.

We also get a window into the new or upcoming books Europe’s Babylon, Learwife and On the Trail of the Jackalope.