Tag Archives: Hemingway’s Widow

Episode 42: How Many Threads Connect us to Iconic Figures? Author Timothy Christian & Thomas Maier

How many threads connect us to iconic figures? On this installment of the podcast, Larry ponders Hemingway with author Timothy Christian to discuss his new book Hemingway’s Widow. Hemingway’s Widow sheds light on the fascinating life of Hemingway’s fourth wife Mary Walsh, who had often been maligned by historians. Timothy and Larry discuss Mary’s influence on Hemingway’s writing process, her work as a wartime journalist and her tense conversation with John F. Kennedy.

Timothy Christian on Twitter

After the break, Larry interviews returning guest and Newsday writer Thomas Maier, author of Mafia Spies about the iconic film The Godfather and surprising multiple Long Island connections. Thomas talks about modern opinions on The Godfather, Francis Ford Coppola’s fight to cast Al Pacino and the impact of The Godfather on Italian American culture.  Thomas Maier on Twitter