Tag Archives: Holy City

Episode 92 – How Many Threads Need to be Exposed Inside a Puzzle Box? Authors Steve Urszenyi and Henry Wise

How many threads need to be exposed inside a puzzle box? On this week’s episode of The Artful Periscope, Larry welcomes author Steve Urszenyi onto the show to discuss his latest book Out in the Cold, the second book in the Alex Martel series. Together, Larry and Steve discuss Steve’s background as a paramedic and amateur photographer, the in-medias-res opening of the novel, and the female protagonist, Alex Martel. They also discuss the larger geopolitical situation that frames the novel, which is peppered with real historical details like the Scattergood-Thorne Conference Center, The Resolute Desk and the unfortunate use of misinformation and propaganda by governments to manipulate public perception.

After the break, Larry welcomes Henry Wise, author of Holy City, to tell a story about his mentor R.T. Smith and the importance of mentorship in the writing community.


Episode 84 – How Many Threads Allow Us To Address And Understand Tragedy And Grief? – Authors Marianne Leone and Henry Wise

How many threads allow us to address and understand tragedy and grief? On this week’s episode of The Artful Periscope, Larry sits down with author Marianne Leone to discuss her latest book Five Dog Epiphany. Marianne starts off by reading an excerpt from the book, showcasing a story about a dog named Titi, who came into her life at the start of the 2016 pandemic. After the reading, Larry and Marianne discuss their mutual friendship with Eddie Falco, Marian’s role on The Sopranos and the support she received from her fellow cast members after fainting on set. Then Marianne discusses her first book, Knowing Jesse, which chronicled the loss of her son after a battle with cerebral palsy, and her second book, Ma Speaks Up, which re-tells stories about her Italian immigrant mother. Her latest book, Five Dog Epiphany recounts how adopting a pack of Bichon Frise helped bring joy back into her life after the devastating loss of her son.

Marianne Leone

After the break, Larry invites author Henry Wise to discuss his latest book Holy City. Taking place in rural Southern Virginia, Holy City follows Sheriff Will Seems as he investigates a homicide along with a wild card private detective named Bennico. Larry and Henry discuss the role of religion in the narrative, the racial history of Viriginia that still affects the black community, and how settings can also be characters in stories.

Henry Wise | crime novelist