Tag Archives: Seattle

Episode 11 – Should There be a Thread That Connects Fact to Fiction – Burt Weissbourd

Should there be a thread that connects fact to fiction?  Novelist, screenwriter, producer Renaissance Man Burt Weissbourd, author or many books including his new work Danger in Plain Sight, discusses his times with Willie Nelson, Al Pacino, working in Hollywood and his approach to writing not only Danger but how his technique is to write as though the work is already a screenplay.  There is also talk of cherry knishes (belly bombs) and being in Paris in the late 1960’s.

Larry also has some random thoughts and observations including is the United States truly united, Lenny Bruce’s prophetic prediction after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election, the development of Black Lives Matters during the pandemic along with shedding light on America’s Caste System.