Tag Archives: Something About Pam

Episode 29 – How Many Threads Lead Us to the Conviction of an Innocent Man? Charlies Bosworth Jr. & Joel Schwartz

How many threads lead us to the conviction of an innocent man? This week Larry Davidson sits down with author Charles Bosworth Jr. and defense attorney Joel Schwartz to talk about their collaborative book Bone Deep: Untangling the Betsy Faria Murder Case. Bone Deep recounts the unjust conviction of Russell Faria and Joel’s fight to prove his innocence. Larry, Charles and Joel discuss the facts of the case, the danger of small-town politics and how media attention can affect a trial.  They also explore how confirmation bias can override logic in a court case and how you fight for justice when the police are more focused on being right than finding the truth. They also discuss the NBC mini-series The Thing About Pam, which is an adaptation of the case. In a society fascinated with true crime and murderers, Charles and Joel hope to bring more attention to Betsy Faria and other victims. Larry wraps up the episode with the question “what did I get wrong?”-a question that is more pertinent than ever in a world where facts need to be protected and truthful self-assessment is more important than ever.

Charles Bosworth, Jr.

Joel Schwartz, Esq.