Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Episode 78 – How Many Threads Connect Us to the Events of the Day, Past and Present? Journalist Ben Bradford and Author Kurt Wagner

How many threads connect us to the events of the day, past and present? On this week’s episode of The Artful Periscope, Larry welcomes journalist and fellow podcaster Ben Bradford to the show to discuss his latest NPR podcast Landslide. The series recounts the 1976 presidential primary race between Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan and its long-lasting effect on the trajectory of the Republican Party. Together, Larry and Ben dissect the difference between patriotism and nationalism, how Ronald Regan’s rhetoric shifted conservative ideology, and the challenges of modern journalism in a twenty-four-hour news cycle. Then the discussion shifts to Landslide, and how understanding the trajectory of political parties throughout history can shape our understanding of modern politics.

After the break, Larry welcomes author Kurt Wagner to discuss his book, Battle for the Bird: Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk, and the $44 Billion Fight for Twitter’s Soul, which recounts Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter. They discuss Twitter’s original founder, Jack Dorsey, and the behind-the-scenes negotiations between Twitter and Elon Musk. Then they examine Musk’s ideal of a free-speech platform without restrictions, and whether users will want to take part in a community with no filters. Finally, they wrap up by dissecting the connection between Musk and former president Donald Trump, and how it might impact the upcoming election. 

Episode 16 – What is the Thread that Connects Us to the Story Behind the Story: Craig Unger, Ray Rickman & Darin Strauss

What is the thread that connect us to the story behind the story? In this episode, Larry speaks with author Craig Unger who discusses his latest work American Kompromat, which touches on Opus Dei, how it has penetrated American government especially in the Trump presidency and how Russia has manipulated Trump since the 1980’s.  There is also a lively discussion about Wiliam Barr’s controversial actions and departure as Trump’s former Attorney General.


Also joining the podcast is Author Ray Rickman who speaks about being co-founder and Executive Director of Stages of Freedom, the powerful PBS program The Black Church, his personal history marching for civil rights with James Meredith in Sunflower County Mississippi and his Adopt a Doctor Program.  He and Larry also have a lively discussion about African American crime fiction writers.

With Just a Thought, Author and Professor Darin Strauss returns to the program with some observations about extremism in modern American politics, the fuel of social media and the product of the cancel culture.