Tag Archives: Darin Strauss

Episode 16 – What is the Thread that Connects Us to the Story Behind the Story: Craig Unger, Ray Rickman & Darin Strauss

What is the thread that connect us to the story behind the story? In this episode, Larry speaks with author Craig Unger who discusses his latest work American Kompromat, which touches on Opus Dei, how it has penetrated American government especially in the Trump presidency and how Russia has manipulated Trump since the 1980’s.  There is also a lively discussion about Wiliam Barr’s controversial actions and departure as Trump’s former Attorney General.


Also joining the podcast is Author Ray Rickman who speaks about being co-founder and Executive Director of Stages of Freedom, the powerful PBS program The Black Church, his personal history marching for civil rights with James Meredith in Sunflower County Mississippi and his Adopt a Doctor Program.  He and Larry also have a lively discussion about African American crime fiction writers.

With Just a Thought, Author and Professor Darin Strauss returns to the program with some observations about extremism in modern American politics, the fuel of social media and the product of the cancel culture.

Episode 12 – Is There a Thread that Connects Us to Those that Matter – Rev. Gayle Fisher Stewart & Author Darin Strauss

Is there a thread that connects us to those that matter?  Joining Larry is former Washington DC police officer and Episcopal Reverend Gayle Fisher Stewart, the editor of Preaching Black Lives Matter.  Reverend Fisher-Stewart speaks about her experiences with segregation, the American caste system (and how the Nazi’s studied that system), empathy, Black Lives Matter as a movement vs. an organization and Harry Belafonte hosting the Tonight Show.

Also joining Larry is NYU Professor and New York Times bestselling author Darin Strauss.  Darin discusses his new work The Queen of Tuesday: A Lucille Ball Story.  Darin explores the craft of writing fiction based in factual events and his approach, weaving non fiction events into his family history to create a tapestry which includes his grandfather’s fictional love affair with Ms. Ball.  Speaking further, they discuss his earlier work Chang & Eng and the story behind his memoir Half a Life.

Larry also laments the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.